Wednesday, May 21, 2008

A funny for you

We're having some issues lately that I'm trying to fix. For one, we got Addison's Permanent Resident card in the mail Friday from USCIS. That was great, till I opened it. They have a typo....listed her as a Male instead of Female.

So anyway, to my funny....

While I'm on the phone today trying to get this mess fixed Trevor comes running back into my room telling me to hurry, Caleb got into the lotion. From his panic, I figured it was kinda bad. Expecting lotion all over him and the carpet. When I return to the living room, I see Caleb with butt cream all over him and his shorts. I wasn't upset, just trying to figure out what possessed him to put butt cream on his hands, shorts, shirt.

So I'm cleaning him up, not a huge deal. But I go to lift his shirt to clean off his shorts and see his entire chest and tummy are ALSO full of butt cream. I just busted out laughing. I then realized he had mistaken that for lotion. He was quite the site to be seen, but I don't have any pics. Quite humorous and a very needed laugh at that point.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It goes back to that comment from your "ex-co-worker" ... they would have gotten it right had it been - Addidaughter instead of Addison ;o). Lame joke, I know, but what do you expect? Funny butt cream story too ... what does posess them sometimes? Must be their dad's genes! lol