Saturday, October 18, 2008

I've been Tagged

I have been Tagged by coffeemom. This is new to me, so we'll see what I can come up with!

1. I am a book fiend!! I love them. All kinds (except romance). Just the best past-time ever imaginable!

2. I am also a computer freak! If I'm not reading, you most likely would find me on the computer. Even just to check my email! :-) My degree is in computers.

3. I was the youngest in my high school class. I just missed the deadline having an October 12 birthday.

4. I am stepping out of my box this coming year and have volunteered to be the Creative Activities director of my MOPS group. Yes, I will be sweating profusely for the 2 minutes I'll be standing in front of my group of ladies explaining what they need to do for their craft.

5. I love the winter so much more than the summer. Although 60-70 degrees is perfect for me!

6. I am a person of VERY bold colors. The brighter the better. My favorite color is lime green.

7. As much as I dislike bugs, spiders, snakes and other things in nature, I LOVE LOVE LOVE to go camping!

8. I'll throw in one more just for good measure....I LOVE photography. I have started taking my own pictures of my kids and family. Not just cheaper, but it is SO fun for me to come up with different backgrounds. Different ways to set a picture. The best job, next to being a mom, in my opinion!

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