Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Mama's girl

As I look back on the past 2 months since Addison has been home, there are many things that have been fantastic to see unfold with her. Even though she was 8 months old when she arrived home, we have still been able to encounter some of her "firsts" with her.

But something I have come to notice, especially in the past, oh, 2 weeks maybe??, is that she is completely mama's girl!! It doesn't matter where we are...if she can't see me or hear me, she's gonna scream! We're talking, wailing at the top of her lungs (and she definitely has a pair!!) with the biggest tears you can imagine. No, I'm really not joking here! For example, yesterday I stopped by my parents before taking Caleb to swimming. I decided to just change there. I stepped out of the kitchen, where she was, out of her site and if you didn't know better, you'd think she was being tortured!

So, today I drop Caleb and Addison off at Y-Care to get Trevor to swimming and me to my cycling class. Same thing there. I set her on the floor--thinking she'll just go play like she normally does. Nope, she sits there and wails with the biggest tears ever! It has just become unbelievable. Sometimes I think I just don't know what to do.

But I was reminded today by a good friend....remember the tears you cried and the emotions you went thru to get her here. It opened up my eyes to a different side...with ALL of my kids.

There are those days/moments when I think I am just going to pull my hair out. Those days I feel I would just love to send those kids to boot camp to waste away their energy there. Those days I want to just find a hole to hide in.

But then I am reminded of how much I love my kids and thank God everyday for the blessings he has given me. And during their "energetic" times I sit back and laugh. I watch as my 3 laugh at each other. Those giggles are one of the most precious sounds...I can't help but smile.


Anonymous said...

How sweet! I just wish I could meet her in person ... someday! Enjoy and wow - it sounds like you have one busy summer going on. Hugs all around. God Bless

mama becca said...

sweet post!
Let me encourage you- these are such great attachment signs from your sweetie! Let her be attached at the hip... she'll find her outgoing side again... she just needs plenty of reassurance that you're not going anywhere. This will cycle for awhile... pretty normal :).

coffeemom said...

What a great job you must be doing to have her doing this! it IS a great sign of attachment and just a visible point in a subtle, nuanced long process. Very great, even as it can be exhausting. Great job mom!!!