Wednesday, March 19, 2008

1 week to go

WOW! Only 1 week left to go till court. I can't believe how calm I've been, but I guess I pray a lot too. Pray that it's His will for next Wednesday to be a successful court day for us, and our other blogging friends!

I also have to say....these Gladney people, I just can't say enough about them! They have been SO fantastic throughout this whole process. April 3rd will be a year since our orientation call and I've had no complaints, but compliments to them since then.

Let's just say, for example, Natalie. While she was in Ethiopia, she thought of us (and I'm assuming the other families) enough to take pictures of our babes while she was there to send to us when she returned. What a fantastic thing to do for us all! Pictures are a lifesaver at this point in time and if you aren't there yet, you will be! Pictures and updates of these children are just the best.

So, as I'm trying to clean up my pile of papers on the floor and go thru my emails I haven't gotten thru in the last few days, I see Mary's name and know it's gotta be good. Well, it was better than that!!

Anyone thinking about adoption, I will say I would recommend Gladney to you 150%!!! Those people down in Texas are some of the best and most thoughtful people in this more ways than one!

1 comment:

mama becca said...

I agree about Gladney!
Here's to just a few more days, hopefully, of this wait. Praying!!!
becca :)