Saturday, March 22, 2008


WOW!! There are so few words I can say about this evening. My oldest son and I went to Saturday Easter church tonite. It's my favorite mass of the whole year, next to Christmas that is. It was long...2 hours. But for a boy who will turn 4 next weekend, he did awesome! But that's besides the point I wanna say.

Mass tonite hit me hard. It was so fantastic and got right into my heart. And while there, of course I tried praying as hard as possible, plus a little more, knowing court is only 3 days away! I think He sent me there a little early tonite too. I thought it started at 7, but it was actually 7:30. So, I got in a few more prayers before church even started. I just felt tonite I was right where I was supposed to be.

The readings tonite were fantastic. Listening to each word of (I think it was 6!) the I said, I just don't have the words on how I feel. I think my perspective on God has just changed so much since we started this process. He has been there in so many ways and so many situations.

So, as we narrow in on the last couple days before the BIG final decision will hopefully be made, I feel him with me as much now as ever. Yes, I would say I'm a little nervous...more of the unknown at this point. But I have to say, I think I feel a sense of peace also.

You know...maybe in my life, Easter couldn't have been a more perfect time for us!!

Bless us all who have waited so long for our hopeful good news this Wednesday!

Happy Easter everyone!

1 comment:

mama becca said...

So glad your heart was spoken to this Easter! Praying like a mad woman over here...