Sunday, March 30, 2008

Just about done!

Yes, that means almost done packing! :) As I mentioned, I had 3 suitcases packed with Addison's things and the H. Aid for a few weeks now. So it was down to mine and Mark's clothes, then carry-on luggage. I have to take them up to the shop to weigh them...just to be sure they aren't over 70 pounds (especially the oversized bag), but otherwise all that's left is our carry-on stuff and a few minor last minute items.
Ask any one of my family members or in-laws...they'll all tell you the same thing. I'm the organized one! :)

But I have a lot of things to do in the next 2 (less than 2!) weeks before we travel. I still gotta pack the boys for the grandparents houses. But I'm still doing my same old routine. Trevor still goes to school 3 days a week and I'll still be at the Y almost every morning...which only leaves my afternoons and this coming weekend. I also have a MOPS meeting next Friday that I really want to go to as well without feeling guilty about needing to do something yet for besides being an overly organized person (most of the time), I just got a lot of things to do and having packing out of the way feels like 1000 pounds off my shoulders! :) It's also nice to do that with Mark home cuz he keeps the kids busy!!!

Well, time to sleep for now. Y to exercise at 8am.....morning comes too soon!!

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