Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Check, 3/4 check, Little bit of a check?!

We have finished our paperwork today and it has been faxed to Belay. It's a nice feeling to have that finished!

3 of our 4 suitcases are packed and ready to go. The 4th is packed, but I have a few more things we'll be checking, so I gotta finish that once Mark has a chance to bring it inside for me. So, that's almost a check off my list. (Still gotta get the carry-ons situated though)

And I started in 1 of the 3 rooms I/we want cleaned up before we leave. Our living room is where we always are.....so that means we have toys, movies, mail, etc to get sorted thru and picked up. It's always nice coming home to a clean home, no matter the situation. Just don't want to clean the second you get in the door. But I got a start on our living room today. A huge pile of mail and paperwork has been finished, gone thru, thrown, or whatever needed to be done with it! GREAT feeling! Now if I can just get my boys to cooperate with putting their toys away!! :)

1 comment:

graceling said...

You know what's the best? Coming home, not just to a clean house, but to clean sheets on the bed. That is the best ever, especially after a tiring journey.

I don't think I'll change mine before I travel (whenever that will be), but I might leave a few hints for the friends/cat-sitters:)