Thursday, April 17, 2008


Yes, you read that right!! For some reason the Delta site, after 5
days now, I told Mark it had to be wrong. Our awesome driver over
here, Anbus, took us to the airport today to have us look in their 2
holding rooms for luggage. By golly, all 4 of them were there! I was
just about in tears with happiness!

So we're all sorted out for H. Aid and Addison's things. It's so nice
to know we have clothes now and can look a bit more presentable than
we have! :-)

That's all for now.....We have the Ethiopian Cultural Dinner and Dance
tonite, so I'll probably post tomorrow evening maybe about that and
the orphanages. We go to the 3 orphanages all day tomorrow. So I'll
probably have quite the post after that.

Trevor and Caleb....mommy and daddy miss you! We love you SO much!
Mommy, Daddy and Addison will be home soon!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yippee! Glad your luggage came through. Continued blessings on your journey - you have quite the tale to share with Ms. Addison when she grows up!