Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Addison is adjusting well

We are adjusting well. Today is so much better than yesterday! We let her nap yesterday afternoon about 2-3 hours and woke her up. It was great cuz she slept 10 hours last night. We're hoping with a couple more days like this, she'll adjust to Nebraska time just fine! This afternoon she took about a 2 hour nap and is just as happy as can be! And she's been with the boys separately today. Trevor was at school this morning, so her and Caleb played and "talked" to each other a lot. Then her and Trevor woke up about the same time, so they had some time together. I think she's adjusting to having a couple brothers.
She met quite a few people today too and it went so well. All she did was smile as people adored her. I'm sure she thought it was cool being held and passed to the next person. Then when she spotted me, I get a huge smile!
But all is well on our end. She seems to be doing better today and not feeling as if she needs to be held 24/7. She's been playing on her own while I try getting unpacked and cleaned up around the house. It helps lessen the stress a little!
And we've found out she loves rice cereal, applesauce and took to the peas at lunch today very nicely! I'm guessing she's just loving not having only formula!
Here are a few more pics for today...

This first picture is us with Belay. He is a Gladney rep that has a great input in referrals of the children.

This second picture is us with our driver Anbus. Fantastic man!! There are not enough nice words to say about him! And it's thanks to him on why we got our luggage when we did!

This last photo is of Addison one of the first couple days we had her. This has turned out to be one of her favorite toys!


mama becca said...

So glad you're all adjusting well! We miss you! Sam's doing great. Still up a few times at night to eat, but he's totally adjusted to the time change. Me? Not so much... I'm feeling dizzy and drunk by 6:30 every night and in bed by 8! I hope this changes SOON!
love yall...

Anonymous said...

Wonderful pictures and LOVE the update on your family. Glad everyone is adjusting nicely! I wish I was one of those who could hold and ohh and ahh and play with her brothers too. Too bad I'm so far away! Maybe this summer we could visit -

Take care - hugs all around!

Shelly Roberts said...

What kind of carrier are you wearing? It caught my eye. So great hearing you're all settling in!! ~Shelly

Zach and Erin Kennedy said...

What a beauty! Love to read your updates!