Friday, April 11, 2008

Tomorrow....Already? Finally!

It's amazing to think we are actually leaving tomorrow. I can tell it's starting to sink in somewhere in my mind. I woke up around 4:00 this morning and could not get back to sleep! And what did I wake up to? A dream checking in at the airport in DC!

I'm hoping for a great day today...and a nap this afternoon! :) But a good morning at MOPS and a nice afternoon with the boys. And hopefully Mark won't get stuck too late at work tonite.

I'm feeling good about everything though. Except leaving my boys for a week and a half, but Trevor's tears the past couple days have been due to Addison not being home yet. He's such a dear! But I explain that mommy and daddy are leaving Saturday to go get her....when we come home she will be with us. Then he's feeling better. I have to say, I'm kinda glad he's crying about Addison not here yet instead of Mark and I being gone. It'll make it much easier on this lady when we go to leave tomorrow!

Almost there baby girl!


Anonymous said...

You will be in our thoughts and prayers as you travel to pick up your newest blessing. May God go with you and bless every snuggle and cuddle abroad and your boys waiting at home. Can't wait to see your little one in your arms!

mama becca said...

AHHH!!! It's time! woohoo! See you tomorrow!!!!

Lori said...

Safe travels and can't wait to hear more when you get back! She's beautiful!

coffeemom said...

Our prayers follow you to Ethiopia. Can't wait to hear more. Have a wonderful safe trip (hug my boy for me please) and can't wait to see pics of you all together!
She's beautiful!!!
Michele G