Saturday, April 12, 2008

Ethiopia, Africa....Here We Come!

I did sleep well last night. I was in bed about 10 and woke up a little before 6. It was an hour before my alarm was to go off, but I didn't wake up last night at all, so I'm not complaining. There was a reason behind me not sleeping well the night before! God wanted me to get a good rest for today!

Yes, TODAY, we are leaving for Ethiopia. I was telling the girls at MOPS yesterday...when you say, "I'm headed to Ethiopia" I don't think a LOT of it, just cuz I've been saying 'Ethiopia' for a year now. BUT, when I say, "yep, I'm headed to Africa".....THAT gives it a whole new meaning!!!

I spoke to my sister-in-law last night before leaving today (also a tickled-to-death godmother to Addison!) about us leaving. Just like she said, going to Africa is a huge deal! But, going to Africa to get our daughter is a HUGE deal! I don't think she could be any more right!!!

So as our Chapter 1 begins to come to a close, I thank you all as friends, family, and fellow bloggers. You have all helped us get thru our good and bad times. It has now all paid off!

So, keep checking this over the next 11 days. I plan to try posting as much as I'm able to...especially for my boys! Stay tuned for more to come.....

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