Monday, April 7, 2008

Gotta take a break!

WOW! I'm glad I read the Albertson's blog today, which then took me to Ethiopian Airlines' website. Becca commented on carry-on baggage being 15 pounds. I'm thinking ONLY 15 pounds!! The carry-on with only my snacks has got to be over 15 pounds. Yep, I was right! So I'm staring at my 4 things we'll be using for carry-on's and I'm just stumped. I just keep staring and staring....nope, not getting any better. They are losing any pounds. So, I'm stuck.

I'm thinking we're gonna end up with a 2nd backpack. I don't think Mark is going to be greatly happy, but I don't think we'll have a choice. The carry-on I wanted to take, it's maybe half full when it hits 15 pounds. So I'm not going to take that with wasted space. Just not necessary.

Well, I smell yummy cookies almost done in the oven. And I suppose I better get back to staring at the carry-ons and figure out what I need to do!

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